Saturday, 18 May 2024

The Trust of the Innocent

"The trust of the innocent, is the liar's most useful tool" ~Stephen King

Trust is a gift given to others. What one does with that gifted trust, denotes the character one has.

We often scatter the word innocence in our speech like a crumb of bread, as if it is an everyday reserve of little worth. It is a word of profound depth, that encompasses a part of life that is lived only once. It is not a throw away comment and cannot be used lightly, for once innocence is lost, it cannot be regrown or born again. It is something to be cherished and protected by those that have lost theirs, and can understand the implications of the loss. Innocence is either mocked by many in jest, or derision, preyed upon by those with unwholesome intent, or used against the holder of innocence, to gain something that is not for the taking. Child or lamb, they are both born with the innocence of trust, the belief that all is right, all is loving. Only those with greed in their hearts would wish to steal innocence.

Hundreds of times I could capture a variation of this image; the bond and the love. Yet each image can only paint a picture, it doesn't capture the essence and the depth of the feeling. Little Winifred cares so deeply for Gwynnevere, that while she naps Winifred will reposition herself to sniff Gwynnevere's face and burrow her head into her neck. It isn't just a case of wanting comfort from her, there is a palpable worry for her friend. She checks her breath, she lays her ears close to her heart. It is breathtaking in its sublime concern.

Winifred lives in the moment, if her friend is not engaging with her, then she watches over her until she slips into the dreamworld herself. We do not position Winifred, she chooses where she goes, in this instance Gwynnevere had just laid down and nodded off, within moments Winifred scooted around. 

As parents to them both, it is always a concern when a bond formed from love is this intense. If one becomes ill then it affects the other, if one were not available to the other, for multiple unforeseen reasons, then this causes stress and sadness. We watch and wonder at their relationship, and let the love for our daughters umbrella their journey together. It would not be seen as a problem for anyone if Winifred was a dog, but she is not. She belongs to one of the most abused, tortured, misconstrued and misrepresented animals in the farming world. They are safe here in the Land Ark, we let the magic and love run as it must for them both. 

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